Selling with Purpose

In delivering on your vision for your sales team, would you like to bring a new level of insight and commitment in support of your strategy and process?

Are you finding it hard to move beyond transactional relationships with your customers? Are you stuck in a product, features and prices sales process? Our purpose-led Selling with Purpose offering enables your sales team to unlock their unique engagement potential in your market.

Our program starts with an experience that tangibly brings the potential of your organisation's purpose into your sales strategy and process.

How meaning drives sales

Accenture Strategy’s December 2018 Global Consumer Pulse Research finds that a majority of consumers across the globe prefer buying from brands that take a stand on issues they care about, and avoid those that don’t.

Its 14th annual research studyFrom Me to We: The Rise of the Purpose-Led Brand,” surveyed nearly 30,000 consumers worldwide (2,000+ US consumers) and found that “purpose” is the elixir driving successful brands today.

  • Purpose is influencing purchasing decisions: Nearly two-thirds (63%) of consumers prefer to buy goods and services from companies that stand for a shared purpose that reflects their personal values and beliefs.
  • Consumers want companies to speak up: 62% want companies to take a stand on social, cultural, environmental and political issues close to their hearts. Another 62% say their purchasing consideration is driven by a company’s ethical values and authenticity.
  • Consumers are attracted to companies that care: They like companies that are committed to using good-quality ingredients (76%), treat employees well (65%), and believe in reducing plastics and improving the environment (62%).
  • When companies fall short, consumers are quick to ditch them: Nearly half (47%) have boycotted the company as a result of their actions.

The program

Program outcomes

Where the program has impact

It starts pre-experience with a 10 minute on-line survey taken by your team members that identifies their individual “purpose type”.

We then deliver a 2 to 3 hour interactive workshop utilising agile methodologies that…

  • Helps your team understand and explore their personal purpose type and the ways that connects them (or doesn’t!) to what they’re being asked to sell
  • Find the commonalities with their team-mates between their personal purpose types
  • Creates a new “balcony” from which to view the “what” and “how” of your sales process and develop innovation and evolution
  • Leave with a personal strategy and commitment for putting what they’ve found into action
  • It’s been a learning experience underpinned by quality data, experienced facilitators and a high energy and engaging approach – they will be energised and excited
  • Purpose is now alive in the work and mindset of your people and their teams 
  • Your teams can now see the connection between their personal purpose, each other and your organisation’s purpose…and new lines of enquiry as to how to sell have been established
  • Purpose is no longer the statement on the wall…it is in their personal commitment to your vision
  • Sales team building and team engagement
  • Sales training and kick-off meetings and conferences
  • Bringing mis-aligned or under-performing sales teams together
  • Bringing new sales teams together
  • Preparing sales teams for product launches and new ranges
  • Competitor set exploration and comparison

“We have been working with Tony for the last 6 months and the team are loving the experience. Comments from the team such as “He helps us access what is there in front of us but we haven’t seen it” – “My interaction with our partners is so much easier and enjoyable now as we have a shared purpose".

The program we are on with Tony is adding real benefit to the team, having group meetings and then each team member having one-on-one sessions with him has taken our team performance to a whole new level in a very short time.

Tony has a gift for positively engaging with people, and this with the knowledge he is gained about our industry is giving us an unfair advantage in the market.”

Shaun Hand
General Manager, AUS/NZ

“Tony Bonney is one of the most impressive Customer Engagement Strategists I have had the privilege of working with. For fear of embarrassing him, we refer to him as the ‘Customer Whisperer’.”

Cameron Pearson
Director – Growth, Innovation and Marketing
Cover-More Insurance


Our offerings are designed to meet you wherever you are in your purpose, values and leadership journey.


©2021 Grow On Purpose. All rights reserved.