Maximizing Fairness Outcomes from your Risk Management Program Investment.
Post the Financial Services Royal Commission into Misconduct fairness has become even more important in re-building trust and meeting regulator, community and stakeholder standards.
In its best examples, it’s because it articulates an organisation’s intentions into outcomes through the control environment. Your purpose and values expressed as fairness and delivered consistently in customer-centric experiences.
Our Fairness Health Check workshop is designed to ensure you are seeing where your risk management processes and framework are delivering or potentially preventing the fairness outcomes you’re seeking....
We deliver an experienced and objective engagement where we help you to answer 5 key questions…
Where segmentation of risk and accountabilities causes tension, friction and blind-spots.
Understanding how the risk control environment can be used as an instrument for fairness.
Understanding how each person's role, whether customer facing or back-end shared services, contributes to the overall impression of an organisation being fair.
Alignment between your intentions and delivering consistently fairer outcomes for customers, employees, partners and stakeholders enabled through your risk management framework.
How fairness can be an integral part of the business decision-making process.
The business benefit and value delivered through a risk management framework that incorporates fairness principles.
How fairness can provide a pathway that optimises business value and the customer experience.
Yes please!
Here are the details of our Co-Founders:
Tony Bonney: 0412 266 454,
Paul Muir: 0419 695 173,
Get in touch with us today.
Our Purpose is to help you build trust in your insurance and financial services company.
Our Mission is to go beyond compliance to aid organisations to be “fair” in the eyes and experience of customers, regulators and the community.
©2020 CertFair